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The Pedro Point Basin – Heart of our Community

The Vision: Economic opportunities for Pacificans, recreation for Californians

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The Pedro Point Basin can serve as a bridge between Pacifica State Beach and the Pedro Point Headlands:

  • An ADA-Accessible (wheelchair-friendly) Coastal Trail

  • A corridor which is consistent with compatible land uses

Examples of land use options

The PPCA has long supported Low-Intensity Visitor-Serving Light-Duty Uses in the Pedro Point Basin. Here are examples of uses that are highly compatible with emerging recreational commercial tourism opportunities, make use of existing environmental assets, and do not require significant paved areas/roofed buildings.

Native plant nursery

Bike rentals

Outdoor event space

Agri-tourism farm stand


Imagine a five-acre, outdoor, visitor-serving destination nestled between the Bay Area's most accessible surf break, a commercial kitchen, four restaurants, and a historic community center with a community-built playground.


In 2022, the City's consultants found that found few development opportunities at the site given constraints, but 85% of residents also want to see new outdoor dining options in Pacifica, vs. 50% who want to see more housing options.  This is an ideal spot for a mobile, visitor-serving, entertainment and dining venue.

The PPCA welcomes commercial recreational opportunities such as an Ocean Discovery Centerkayak and bike rentalsa food truck park, a family amusement park, a Beach Club, or Outdoor movies. 

History >

Economic opportunities

A proposed commercial use, rejected by the property owner.
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